To succeed in the fast-changing business environment today, simply knowing what products and services are in demand is not enough; one must also know “why” and “how”, and this is where FRC comes in. we focus on understanding consumer behavior to help our clients in answering some of their most pressing questions, with the aid of both qualitative and quantitative research services. We obtain our data with the richest, most comprehensive media and market information, professional services and analytical tools in our industry.
In recent years, more and more major global market research companies have started outsourcing their fieldwork to other field and tabulation companies, in the believe that this would bring in results that are more authentic and closer to the lives of their local consumers. We strongly believe that this trend will persist in the future, and to capture such prospective business opportunities, we will continue to focus our services on serving international market research agencies.
We also believe that the Mainland China market will continue to be the largest potential market in the coming 10 years. We Understand that a lot of overseas professional specialist research companies are trying to tap into the market, but are hindered by the language barriers or the lack of fundamental consumer understanding of the China market itself. We can provide professional advice and insight to help create a win-win situation.

Qualitative research is the use of unstructured exploratory techniques that are based on statistically small samples in order to understand a problem more thoroughly.

Quantitative research is the collection of statistically large samples of quantitative data and usually with some form of statistical analysis.